QSA861036 1861 Letter from Colonial Secretary to John Hardie 12 February, Colonial Secretarys Office Letterbook, DR127327






Colonial Secretarys [sic] Office, Brisbane, 12th February, 1861.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, this day, of your letter of the 11th Inst., reporting an aggression by the Blacks camped at Coochin, and requesting prompt assistance to prevent probably very serious consequences. Immediately on receipt of your letter I wrote to the Police Magistrate at Ipswich directing him to dispatch all the Mounted Men of his constabulary to disperse the blacks and yield protection to the residents at Coochin - Since then Lieutenant Wheeler has arived from the Logan and he has received instructions to proceed without delay to Coochin. - He will be there tomorrow evening. -

I have &c

(Sgd) A. W. Manning. -

Jno. Hardie Esqr.

Fassifern. -

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