QSA861248 1861 Letter from Colonial Secretary to John Tanner Baker 12 November, Letterbook of Letters to Other Departments, DR127331





Colonial Secretary's Office Brisbane, 12th November 1861


Lieut. Baker or Sir, I have the honor to request that you will

The Officer Commanding the Native Police Gladstone

Last edit 8 months ago by Queensland Frontier Conflict


will immediately upon the receipt of this letter despatch the Native Police Force stationed at Gladstone with the exception of one or two troopers, to the scene of the recent murder upon Mr Wills' Station at the Nogoa.

2. Not having any means of ascertaining the exact state of the detachment under your command at the present moment, I can only give general instructions, but you will understand that it is the object of the Government to strengthen as far as possible the force now in the neighbourhood of Albinia and Peak Downs, and you will use every effort to do this with all the speed and efficiency in your power.

3. If there is no junior officer at Gladstone competent to undertake this duty you will proceed yourself in command. You will provide the detachment with the best and most serviceable horses and accoutrements, and the detachment must travel with the utmost speed consistent with keeping the horses in fit condition for work.

4. Upon arriving in the district you will ascertain the whereabouts of the Senior Officer there and report yourself to him and hold yourself in readiness to cooperate in any measures that may be deemed necessary and with regard to which I can at this Instance give you more instructions.

5. In making the necessary arrangements you will endeavour not to overlook any precautions that may be necessary in the event of your being detained much time in the Leichhardt.

I have, &c (Signed) Robert G.W. Herbert

Last edit 8 months ago by Queensland Frontier Conflict
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