QSA861249 1862 Letter from Colonial Secretary to Commandant 11 March, Letterbook of Letters to Other Departments, DR127332





Colonial Secretary's Office. Brisbane. 11 March 1862

No 62/260


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 14th ulto reporting the misconduct of Cadet Westby and his consequent suspension from duty pending the decision of the Government. In your letter you do not specify in what manner Mr

Last edit 8 months ago by Queensland Frontier Conflict


Mr. Westby misbehaved beyond the fact (in itself a grave delinquency) of his having been in a state of intoxication. The Colonial Secretary however informed the Executive Council, to whom your letter was submitted, that he had some conversation with you on the subject and that though you would not take upon yourself the responsibility of recommending Mr Westby's reinstatement in office, he believed that you were not unwilling that Mr. Westby should be allowed the opportunity of retrieving himself. Acting on this information, though severely censuring Mr Westby the Council have advised his re-instatement in Office directing at the same time that he be severely reprimanded, and informed that a repetition of conduct so discreditable will ensure his immediate dismissal.

Mr Westby having himself written to the Government, admitting his fault and promising good behaviour has been reprimanded and directed to submit himself to your instructions.

I have, &c (signed) A.W. Manning

The Commandant Native Police Force Rockhampton

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