


Status: Indexed

Kingston Canada
July 1841

My dear Mrs Ballingall
Agreeably to your request on my leaving
England that I should keep a record of any
interesting subjects that might fall beneath my
notice during the period of being stationed on
the lakes of Canada; that such recreation would
open the mind to reflection, add to my cheerfulnes
and tend to calm and elevate the soul.

In the compilation of the following
pages I have used my best endeavours to acquiese
in your wishes, in touching on the Lakes and
cataracts of the great river St. Lawrence, the
manners and customs of the various tribes of
native Indians who have come under my observation,
a limited notice of a portion of the ornithology
and emigration of the country with an interspection
of a few anecdotes as incident to the subject.

Should their perusal in the least
contribute to your amusement and information
then has my object been fully accomplished and
will afford me a very great and heart felt pleasure.

I remain my dearest Madam.
Truly and sincerely
your very faithful
and affectionate

D. J. Ballingall

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