




High Commissioner's Office, Johannesburg.


My dear old William

I am a very remiss and scandalous correspondent, and my promise of fortnightly letters has been long ago broken. I am glad to hear you passed your riding exam, without a broken neck. By now I suppose you will have been back some time in Oxford, & when you get this, the Spring term - far the best of all terms - will be nearing its end. I wonder if you & I will have a walk in the hills before you go to India. Do you know a song called "The long long Indian day." You will be singing that before you are done with the coral strand. It is just possible that I may be back in time for a walking tour before you start, but that is

Last edit about 3 years ago by ubuchan


on the knees of the Gods.

You would read in my letters home my account of Joe's visit. On the whole it was very successful. He was kind to me personally. I do not think he is so big a man as Lord M, though infinitely more worldly-wise & a better debater. We are all very exhausted by his visit & I shall be glad when his ship sails.

John Bouch will be out in a few weeks to farm here. It is folk like him that we need in this country. My work is still very hard but the daylight is increasing. The 'Times' of Jan 5th had a long article on it, full of errors but complimentary

Last edit about 3 years ago by ubuchan


in intention.

If this letter appears very oddly written please put it down to the fact that I seem to have cramped or sprained nearly every limb. Last week I had two nights in the train & one on the bare veld in a thunderstorm, and also 2 days riding of about 40 miles each. I have had a lot of these wild rushes lately. It is the only way to keep a big concern going, to look into it yourself. None of my people know when I may not turn up and ask for a reckoning. I am as hard as a buccaneer now & with a mahogany face. But it is no joke sitting down to 12 hours of office work after your return, when your bottom aches & you can hardly

Last edit about 3 years ago by Stephen


keep your eyes open for drowsiness.

I have discovered a Govt. farm called BUCHAN in the eastern North, which I have at once claimed. I have a magnificent & Rhodes-like scheme in hand, but as it requires in the first instance that I should find ways and means to make myself a millionaire, I am afriad it will never come off.

Some day, Weelum, long years later, you & me will pay a visit to this country & I shall have the pleasure of showing you over it.

With much love

Ever yours


Last edit about 3 years ago by Stephen
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