



Status: Complete


May: 26: 96

My dear Mother,

I had your letter this morning. What a
depressing person you are! I am glad to hear that
you enjoyed Broughton & that Father enjoyed
Beattock. I think Innerleithen will be very nice.
I am sending Ervie [Walter] something for his birthday.

I had better give you a resumé of my exact
poistion with Watt as you don't seem quite to
understand it. I wrote to Watt a year ago last March
offering him Sir Quixote, which he declined, but said he
would wait for the long novel. Last October he wrote to
me telling about Blackwood's request. I told him I
had no objection to let him offer the book to Blackwoods.

Notes and Questions

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This is perhaps the clearest version of Walter's nickname. Could it be Ervie (like the Galloway village)? I can't see Ernie.


I am sure you are right. It is definitely Ervie in this letter, but a village so far away from anywhere they knew in Galloway doesn't sound very likely. Perhaps it's a shortening from a name in a poem or book? All the Buchan children were steeped in Scots literature, in particular, and great reciters of poetry. Quite soon after this, Walter became known as the Bird instead.