



Status: Complete

silent. I expect that family has been left
very badly off.

I was rather disappointed, for I have
been estimating the costs of a shooting
trip to the Zambesi, & am afraid it
can't be done under £500 - which puts it
beyond my purse. My book of S. African
studies is getting on well.

Here is a good story. A Cameron Highlander
was on sentry duty just after Lord Roberts'
proclamation came out that "all sheep, goats, fowls
etc were to be strictly respected." It was very dark and
he was rather eerie, when suddenly a sheep butted against
him. He at once transfixed it with his bayonet and
flung it behind him. As dawn was breaking two staff
officers came round and their eye fell on the dead sheep.
The Cameron felt he had to do something to clear himself.
So he turned round and struck it fiercely with his
bayonet again, crying, "Tak that, ye deevil, for trying
to bite me."

With much love,
your affectionate brother

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Lord Basil Blackwood's father, the Marquess of Dufferin and Ava, died that February.