



Status: Complete

the coolness is quite a god-send. As I
drove down in my high dog-cart this
morning, there was quite a W. Highland
feel in the air, and I might have been
going to shoot in Colonsay.

Fancy! I was offered the S. African
war medal and declined it with oaths
and cursing. It is ridiculous giving it to
civilians, and cheapening it for the men who
have done the fighting.

Have you seen a poem by Kipling
called "M.I." - an excellent thing. Lord
K. is in low spirits. He came to a polo
match the other day, and did not speak to
a soul, but lay down on the grass & fell
asleep. He is frightfully over-worked.

Love to all

Yours affectionate brother

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He was awarded the war medal, anyway.


Kipling's 'M.I.' is a poem about the Mounted Infantry in South Africa.