





May: 26 [1915]

My dearest little Susie

I got another letter from you late last night. I do hope you get my letters regularly. Don't come up on Friday. I'll come straight to Checkendon. Did you transport there the clothes etc. I left at Grosvenor St. I had a long kind letter from Hajjie yesterday. I hope poor Marnie is well now. I am so glad that the blessings flourish.

Yesterday I had a very busy day seeing the battalion who were engaged in the Festubert fighting. I found the 8th Royal Scots with the Peebles boys in it. They were very glad to see me. They did outstanding work in the fight & lost very heavily, including their Colonel. I must write something in the Peebles paper about them. Then by pure good luck I struck Ian's regiment, the 4th Camerons. I was very nervous about it, for I did not know what might have happened to Ian [Nelson], for the Divisional General told me they had had the worst fighting of the whole lot. To my relief I found Ian

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Stephen


without a scratch and looking very well. He seems to have been a proper hero. His company got furthest into the German lines & held on all night till the Germans squeezed in on both sides. No support could reach them and Ian got most of his men away. His Colonel was killed & most of the officers. He told me to tell you that the Germans have got the writing block you sent him. He had it in his pack, and everything had to be relinquished.

There has been another very bad gassing at Ypres - clouds 40 feet high. I wish we would hurry up with our own gas.

Much love, my darling. In two days (D.V.) I shall be home.

Your ever devoted


Last edit almost 3 years ago by Stephen
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