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Aug: 21: 16

My dear old John

I was very glad to hear from you again. I shall
be here I expect right on now except for 5 days runs
to the Front every third week. I am on Haig's staff in France,
as well as a slave here, so I have my hands full.

I wish to God I was with you in the hills, but holidays
won't come my way till the end of this bloody war. Thank
God the end is coming nearer. It would be good for the world
at large if the Black Edgar, the False Dick & the
Bloody Buchan could foregather again in the Glenkens.
I have got mixed up in so many battles now that I am

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John Edgar, a lifelong friend, who was both at University of Glasgow and Oxford with JB. He suffered from severe bouts of depression in adult life. JB worried a lot about him. Charlie Dick, another lifelong friend is mentioned in the letter.


The Glenkens are in Galloway, where the men walked extensively as undergraduates.