




Adv.d [Advanced] GHQ

Oct: 19: 16

My own little darling

I got two letters from you this morning, one a very melancholy squeak about my being in hospital. I do hope you got my next letter saying I was all right. I am feeling extraordinarily well now, and altogether a new man. I do hope I did not give you a bad fright, my poor little one.

Ask Mr [Soloman?] the name of the girl who is a milliner. I have forgotten it.

Mother wrote that Alastair is ordered to France at last. Poor wee body, I am very sorry for her. Do write to her and cheer her up.

I set off yesterday afternoon to hunt for Tommy Nelson, without much hope of finding him. By amazing luck, about ten miles off I met him riding in a motor waggon. I took him off for the afternoon & we had a great

Last edit almost 3 years ago by ubuchan


talk. He has just been home on leave. He has a very rough life living chiefly in trenches as an observation officer & being much shelled. He loathes the war, which indeed is no war for anybody above 30. He wants to join the Flying Corps & I have been trying to dissuade him. After the war he says he and I must take a year's holiday & do nothing but eat and sleep. It was very nice seeing the beloved old fellow.

It continues to rain deluges, and Picardy is supposed to be famous for its cloudless autumns! If it goes on it will wreck everything. O for some dry and fine weather!

I hope you are sending me a very good electric torch. The last one was a wash-out. You can get good ones in little leather covers, & the long metal ones are good. I want plenty of fills, for this is a dashed dark place.

I do hope you and the blessings are all well. I am as fit as Fish [nickname for William].

Your ever devoted


Last edit almost 3 years ago by Stephen
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