



Status: Complete

c/o General Charteris
B.A. in France

Sept: 27: 16

My own little darling

I simply don't know what to say about this business. I had a
long talk with General Charteris last night, & I am dining with Sir Douglas to night. The work they want
me to do is in their eyes important, and I think it is really important. It is pretty
continuous work, though I should be able often to run home for a matter of 9 or 11 days at a
time. The compromise I thought of won't work at all, I fear. Now, it is not for
me to decide on a matter like this. I would far rather be back at the F.O, but if
the F.O. are willing to release me thus far, I daren't let my personal wishes weigh the
scale. It is for Grey to decide with Sir Douglas [ST: Haig]. I simply loathe the prospect of being so
much away from you, but I don't believe you would want really to let that count in
a question of public service. After all the war won't last so very much longer, and

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