




of Marston Moor is all wrong, as Firth has since shown that the Scotch had a much larger share in the victory.

Yours ever

G M Trevelyan

I note that while you call the Kirk party an aristocratic oligarchy, you admit that the common people of the lowlands were with it and only the gentry for Montrose. The Kirk was a loathsome tyranny, but it contained the democratic element that has made Scotland.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Stephen


When I bought your book in Edinbro', the bookseller's assistant in handing it to me told me it was "a very good book". I said it was by a very good man; and I thought how splendid it was to have a bookseller's assistant taking an interest in books otherwise than as saleable commodities. In England one scarcely ever finds such a one now. That is because we were not brought up Presbyterians, I suppose.

Why don't your countrymen put up a good bronze statue of R L Stevenson in Princes Street behind the railings with the other lions?

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Stephen
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