



Status: Complete

last night, on my return from Boston, and which I
read before I went to bed, with much pleasure and
interest. It is very well done and there is a good
deal in it that is really very interesting, though
I think the two labor members must be rather unusual

Faithfully yours,

Ferris Greenslet

P.S. Since the above was dictated, I have re-
ceived an interesting review from the Montreal Gaz-
ette, in which I find a few interesting expressions,
to wit:

"The Island of Sheep" is what H. G. Wells'
later novels should be - and are not."

"The literary form adopted prevents the feel-
ing of irritation engendered by the polemical novel,
yet invests the discussion with a human quality which
ideas are apt to lose when considered apart from in-

John Buchan, Esquire,
c/o Thomas Nelsons Ltd.,
London, England.

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Ferris Greenslet and JB met during the Great War. He was JB's American publisher for many years and they were good friends.