





8 Dec.

Brooks's, St. James Street, S.W.1. Tel. Gerrard 3745.

My dear John,

Thank you for your letter. I am keeping Allen as a second string.

Last night I finished the Minto book. I can't really tell you how well you have done it all; so well written too; if I may pick out a bit; your last chapter. Bravo!

In my memoir I tell rather a good tale about Anna Maria, 1st

Last edit about 2 years ago by Stephen


(Don't bother to answer)

Countess; a remarkable lady. I had a Raeburn of her as an old woman, very fine, which, when I wanted some cash after my mother's death, I sold thro' Christie's, bought by a Quebec man, thro' Wallis, the French Gallery. The purchaser allowed me to have a splendid copy done by W & G, & gave me the old frame!! I saw the picture there, & said "How finely you have cleaned it! Now let me see the copy." The man said: "that is the copy!" I gave it lately to the present Minto with data on the back, & it is now in its old home in the old frame.

Yours ever,

WG Elliot.

Last edit about 2 years ago by Stephen
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