



Status: Complete


7th January 1925.

My dear Lady Minto.

I have just read John Buchan's "Lord
Minto" and cannot refrain from sending you my
sincere congratulations on giving to the world the
story of so splendid a life. You must be proud
of such a record...
... does not one hope with all one's
soul that somehow beyond the Veil he knows that
his life's work has met with the appreciation that
is its due, and that now indeed he may say "I am

I read of his latter days with a lump
in my throat, grieving that the rest from his
labours after his splendid service to King and
Country should be of such cruelly short duration.

You had year upon year of a wonderful
companionship, and the proud thought of what you and
he together achieved must be like a torch to

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