




[Lord Byng]

October 24th 1925.

Government House, Ottawa.

My dear John.

On my arrival this morning I found the History of the R.S.F. [ST: Royal Scots Fusiliers] from the author to his friend & admirer. Bless you John. I know I shall enjoy it, and you know I am grateful.

Just had my annual duck shoot and revelled in it. I went to Lake Manitoba and sat all

Last edit about 2 years ago by Stephen


day in a punt looking as much like a bullrush as I could. It was a most suitable environment for a Governor during a general election, and I believe no one can say that I influenced their vote.

Unluckily I developed a mild attack of sciatica owing to wet and cold and have returned to the physician, who I am careful to inform that 'a Doctor a day keeps the apples away".

The result of our election is difficult to foresee, Meighen will probably have the largest party which would be larger if he were more popular but I am doubtful if he will beat King if the latter unites the Liberals and Progressives under one banner.

But by the time you get this you will know, and he who prophesies about an election is almost always wrong.

Lots of love to and from both

Yrs ever Julian.

Last edit about 2 years ago by Stephen
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