



Status: Complete

[L.S. Amery]



l2th January, 1932

My dear John,

I wish to lodge two complaints against you.

One that you were responsible for making me spend the
best part of two days in connection with the making of one
of the worst speeches I have made, and two that you were
responsible for the production of a book called ''The
Blanket of the Dark" which unnecessarily caught my eye as
I was by way of sitting down to some work which I wished to
do over the weekend, with the consequence that the work is
still undone, in fact still caught in 'the blanket of the
dark'. However, I will confess that I enjoyed the hours
spent on your story very much.

Was it at Elsfield, or where, that I recently read
read a book by an Australian Professor called McLaurin (I
think), giving the medical aspect of Henry VIII and sundry
other personages in history'?

I have got somewhere, but cannot lay my hand on,
some old notes of the doings of the Amery family in and
around Oxford between about 1150 and 1370. One of them Roger
Amery, was the original donor of the lane on which Oseney in 1204 I think
Abbey was built. Herrington seems to have been their
headquarters, and they conducted a long dispute with the
citizens of Oxford as to who had the right to collect
Market Tolls in Oxford, settled ultimately by the arbitration
of the King of Germany (then on a visit to the English
Court.) Like the "Bunns", the Amerys then seem to have
settled down to some centuries of undistinguished but distinctive

Yours ever,
JSA [J.S. Amery M.P.]

John Buchan Esq. C.H.M.P.
Elsfield Manor,
Near Oxford.

*The only person of any note after 1400
who was of Amery descent in fact was
Walter Raleigh

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