




St. Stephen's House , London , S. W. 1.

10th February, 1932

My own darling,

I was very glad to get your letter this morning. I am very sorry about Alastair. See that he does some work while he

I have fixed next Wednesday for the dinner, and I am writing to Alice. Thelma Cazalet is coming, and I have also got Borodale, Bill Gray, Walter Elliot and Billie Gore. Baldwin was most anxious to come, but unfortunately discovered a Worcestershire dinner the same night. Do you think we should have anybody else?

Walter Runciman made a brilliant speech last night, and so did S.B. Roderick's dinner was and enormous affaire, and Enid was very amusing. I had to talk French most of the evening to the Havas delegates. Roderick has 'flu on him, and did not come down until after dinner, looking like a ghost.

Today I have my annual lunch with the Carnegie Trustees, and my Ashridge Education Committee.

It is blowing a blizzard. I wonder what the weather is like with you.

Hugh Macmillan and I leave by the 4.45 train on Friday.

Much love John

Last edit about 2 years ago by Khufu
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