




March 24 [1932]


My dear Mr Buchan,

Thank you for another charming letter Will you, as it is the recess, listen to a suggestion for a moment? I thought it would be a rather nice little tablet to Scott's memory to publish a brochure (?) on his effigies. No one has done it & I gathered (in October) from the Director of the Scottish National Gallery that although they were exhibiting portraits during the summer nothing more than a formal list of pictures exhibited was to [be] printed & sold. No one has any money of course - but I should think this particular venture should be self- supporting.

For your opinion I send you an essay I have written & specimen illustrations.

Having lived in America for 3 years I cannot say I think the Centenary Committee are doing their 'publicity' business well!

I have covered the first sentence of my

[marginal note on "Having lived in America ..." : ] This apparent irrelevancy is inspired by reading the Scots Year Book 1932.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Stephen


article over with [ausbau] - because tho' Sir Walter did exclaim "Bloody cold work"! as he stepped off a packing case after sitting to a sculptor - it perhaps is not the most ingratiating opening one could choose! Your opinion please.

Yours ever sincerely

Una Pope-Hennessy

[ST: Mrs [correction in red ink: Dame Una] Pope Henessy wrote a book about Sir Walter Scott]

As you say "Scott is big [enough] to be approached from a thousand angles. I also did a study of 'Scott & Stage' for my own entertainment.

As you will see my typing is not perfect - hope it won't put you off.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Stephen
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