




St. Stephen's House, London, S. W. 1.

11th May, 1932

My own darling,

I did not know you were in London yesterday or I would have tried to make a chance of seeing you. The Women's Institute meeting seems to have talked very good sense. I had a postcard from Alice this morning.

I heard from Gran yesterday. She has been having a chill, but they all seem to be in pretty good spirits.

^Lady Louisa Stuart I lunched with the Hodder-Williams yesterday. They are quite determined to make your book a handsome volume with photo-gravure portraits, as they believe it will sell well as a Christmas present. So you might turn over in your mind possible portraits. I have promised them they shall have the manuscript within three weeks.

My speech on Monday seems to have made a real impression, because Winston devoted a lot of his speech yesterday to it. Alan Lennox Boyd made his maiden speech - rather thin and Uniony, but delivered with immense self-confidence. Walter Elliot wound up the debate on the second reading, and did it very well. Our Pilgrim Trust dinner to meet the doctors was most interesting. I have rarely seen finer or more intellectual faces.

Today I am lunching with the Roger Lumleys, and at 4.15 we have our Pilgrim Trust meeting, which will take us to dinner time. Remember I want the car at St. Stephen's Club on Friday at 2.30. It is wet and grey, but rather milder .

Much love. John

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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