



Status: Complete

St. Stephen's House,
London, S. W. 1.

13th April, 1932.

My own darling

I got your letter this morning. It is much milder, and
really feels like Spring weather. I hope you will get a fine day
for Bath. Remember I come back by the first train on Friday morning.

Yesterday I lunched with Liddell-Hart at the Rag, and
then I had a great many appointments, including Watt. I dined with
Roger Lumley and Jock MacEwan, and as there was nothing on in the
House they took me to see a film called "Martin Arrowsmith" - very
well acted, but rather a muddle of the book. Roger Lumley has taken
Joe Lawley's place as head of the Kingsley Fairbridge work. He is
an uncommon good fellow.

Today I have to lunch with some people at the Athenaeum,
and I have the Ashridge Committee in the afternoon. I have also to
choose a new female tutor for Ashridge.

Oliver Stanley is introducing the Sunday Cinema Bill, of
which I am rather reluctantly in favour. It will probably pass by
a small majority; but I do not think I shall vote, as it does not
apply to Scotland, and I feel that on these local option questions
a Scotsman should not interfere with English matters.

I send you an amusing letter which makes a reference to
Jim and the Dragon. [ST - a children's book of mine]

I hope everything goes well, and that Nan is enjoying
herself. Remind old William of his holiday task, and see that he
gets as much open air exercise as possible.

Much love.

from John

Notes and Questions

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'The Rag' was, and is, the Army and Navy Club:


Watt was A.P. Watt, his literary agent.

