




[E.M. Nicholson\

57 Ennismore Gardens S . W. 7. Kens. 6399. 4th September I930.

Dear Colonel Buchan , _ I enclose copies of the t wo parts of my Ibis paper on Greenland birds : the rest of the ornithological results will be published in the combined ecological paper next year. An interesting outcome of the botanical work of the Expedition is that Trapnell has now proved the Empetrum growing dominant on the summit of Snowdon to be identical with one of our Greenland forms, and a species new to the British list. It is encouraging to have this prompt confirmation of the claim that the Expedition's work would help to throw light on the ecology of the British Isles.

The outstanding difficulties about funds for the Bird Census scheme are now cleared up, and arrangements are being made to begin operations on the new basis in October.

Yours sincerely E.M. Nicholson

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