




St. Stephen's House, London, S. W. 1.

3rd March, 1931.

My own darling

I have just got back from Ashridge. It was very cold there , but very beautiful. I had a delightful audience of young people, and lunched with the Principal. I met Cooie at the station coming back.

Now I must get to the House and shall stay there a ll evening, for it is the first day of the Electoral Reform Bill.

My teeth are still rather painful, but the dentist has made the upper set all right. I shall have to go back again tomorrow .

Yesterday afternoon I had a conference at the Treasury, and then a meeting of Conservatives. Hugh Cecil next Monday is going to move the rejection of the University clause. They wanted me to wind up; but I think they ought to get Baldwin. There is a terrific row in politics. to a head. There is a good deal to be said for his resigning Bewdley and standing for St. George's, with the whole weight of the party behind him. It would be a good fighting gesture.

I dined quietly with Blanchie last night, and had a long sleep. Blanchie is very well .

I expect to see you before dinner tomorrow night. We must be at Betty Pelly's at 9.45, as Elizabeth Pollock begins at ten.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu


Remind Alice to have the white choker and the garter, and if there is a white or pale yellow waistcoat, high-breasted, so much the better.

I am very well.

Much love to you all. John

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Khufu
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