




St. Stephen's House, London, S. W. 1.

22nd September, 1931.

My own darling

I do hope you are feeling better today.

Last night was quite dramatic. Owing to Labour obstruction (which was very bad tactics on t heir part) we just got the Bill squeaked through the House of Commons by eleven o'clock. Ramsay's Marquises were sitting waiting for us, and the Lords passed it in two seconds. Then came Black-Rod and the Royal assent, and the whole thing was over .

You will have read Snowden's speech, which was very good. There is no doubt that the country is taking this fall from the gold standard very well. I am inclined to think that it may work out for good. But I am more clear than ever that we must have an immediate election. That is also Simon's view. I gather there are about 30 Liberals who would join us .

Noel Skelton is back in the House. They have got rid of his threatening appendicitis for the moment, but he looks very pale, and has lost a stone. He says he is getting more homicidal every day about the Labour Opposition, and so am I. I can scarcely bear to look at them; they are so utterly degenerate and half-witted.

I am lunching with Charlie Londonderry, Oliver Stanley and Winston today. We have another long afternoon and evening in the House. I do hope I shall get good news about your health this

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu



evening, and that Alice and Alastair will have a safe journey.

Much yours John

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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