




[T.E. Lawrence]

Mount Batten, Plymouth.


A kindness, you call it! What you should have written is

"My dear Shaw I am wondering whether to do you a great honour? I might perhaps dedicate my little monograph on Julius Caesar to you, and wonder if you are worth it? If so ....... "

Of course, I am astonished and shall be pleased. Only I shall never be able to return you such a compliment. I wish I could write. Alexander was tempting: only I know I'm not equal to it.

By the way, it is aircraftman ... meaning a man about aircraft: and not, alas, a craftsman of the air. The Air Ministry lost a chance in naming us; but fortunately the public are putting them right. I suppose the public is always right?

I hope this trouble is not hitting your interests particularly. The mess is so great that no one knows where he is.

Do you like the Caesar book? A great but difficult subject. His commentaries seem to me not of a piece with the rest of him: better, in fact, and altogether different.


[TE] Shaw.

Last edit about 2 years ago by Stephen
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