




St. Stephen's House, London, S. W. 1.

30th September, 1931 .

My own darling,

I was delighted to get your letter last night and Bill's amusing epistle. That old man is a complete wag. What an excellent hand he writes!

Things are going a little better in the House. I saw Ramsay last night and he looked like death, and had to go to bed with another headache. Baldwin was wonderfully cheerful, and said he had a better feel about things. He was very severe on what he called "yellow bellies", meaning Liberals. I do not think it will be possible to make an announcement about an Election today, but we shall have one before the end of the week. I am inclined to think it is now certain.

I dined last night with Spider's cousin, George Lane-Fox. I am deeply ^engaged in intrigues about University seats. Tonight I am dining with John Astor at the House. I am on the Silver Committee, and have to go to a meeting in the City at 2.15.

This is a lovely morning , but I am afraid a depression is on the way. That, however , will mean more wind. I hope you are having no further trouble with the water ^at Elsfield.

I am very well.

Much love John

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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