




St. Stephen's House, London, S. W. 1.

3rd November, 1931.

My own darling

I hope you had a satisfactory day in London and are not too tired. I have broken, I think, the back of my work.

T. J. (Thomas Jones) and I lunched together and he was very interesting. He has been seeing a lot of Ramsay.

We elected the Speaker at three o ' clock. It was an extraordinary sight. I walked to the House of Lords in company with the Labor Whip, a decent old lame fellow called Parkinson. It looks a much more presentable and a much younger House, and the new Conservative ladies are quite agreeable-looking. I find there is no chance of my being sworn in tomorrow before five o'clock, so I must put it off until next Tuesday.

I will write you tomorrow. I hope the wind will go down, for otherwise it looks as though I would get a bucketting.

Much love,



Last edit almost 2 years ago by Stephen
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