



Status: Complete

concerning them?

I forgot to quote the great 'Tom o' Bedlam'
song from Wit and Drollery, 1682 (not 1661,
as Disraeli says) "With a heart of furious
fancies, whereof I am commander", but I feel
Pierce ought to have sung it!

I thoroughly enjoyed your book. You have made
a certain aspect of the return to what Johnson
in Midwinter calls 'the daedal earth', your
own. It is a great pleasure to 'go to nurse
with Gaea' in your company and under
your guidance. My best thanks.

You are interested in all that concerns Montrose.
I find that the two first stanzas of what
forms the Second Part of 'A Proper New
Ballad', i.e. the imitation of 'My dear and
only love; were printed in Wit and Drollery,
1656. It would seem certain that the
original poem must have been printed before
this. I wish we could find it.

Yours ever,
CH Wilkinson

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Colonel Cyril Hackett Wilkinson, Fellow and Librarian of Worcester College.