




St. Stephen's House, London SW1

3rd December, 1931.

My Own darling,

I got your letter this morning.I am so glad the W.I. sale went well.

The Perkinses don't want to go to an hotel of any kind. Can you think of nothing in Islip for them? Our villages are rather short of houses for gentlefolk. They would only want a few rooms, but they want their own household.

I will send you a wire from Glasgow.

I had a most interesting dinner last night to discuss our Social Services scheme. We had Waldorf Astor, Professor Ernest Barker of Cambridge, Captain Ellis, Professor Carr Saunders and one or two very good officials from the Ministry of Labour, Ronnie Norman, and Bill Astor as secretary. We had a most interesting and valuable discussion and settled a good many points. Captain Ellis is a really great man. He is very interested in your trip to Riska. Apparently that has not been going very well, but they think that the new man will pull it round.

The debate yesterday on India was rather dull. Winston should enliven it to-day, and Baldwin is going to wind up.

It is a day of pouring rain. I do hope you get better weather for your trip next week. As Parliament does not rise until Friday of next week I shall probably not return until Friday morning, when you will be back from Riska.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu


At Mr. Lynam's advice I am writing to Rowlatt to find out what subjects Alastair was weak in. I hope the little man is well now.

I grudge being away so long from Elsfield .

Much love.

From John

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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