




[F.S. Oliver]

Edgerston, Jedburgh, Scotland

Telephone Camptown 6.

4/9 32

Dear Susie,

I ought to have written to you long ago.

I read Mrs Zym as soon as the book came. I read it carefully & with sympathy; but I didn't feel that it really carried me any further. It didn't tell me much (if anything) that I didn't know already, either from the newspapers or from my own

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Stephen


intuitions. It is an odd thing, that when people make defences, or attacks, or criticisms on the League of Nations the material they use is nearly always sawdust. And her book seems to me to be no exception. She is not a good writer and as a result is inclined to make flourishes, ironies, etc wh. are rather banal when you look closely. I'm sorry to be such a disagreeable fellow!

All well here. There is some perturbation in Scotland (tell John) because females are claiming their coequal rights with men in legal appointments. There are some difficulties about nomenclature. For instance - if Jedburgh were to have a Procuress Fiscal?

The [Macks?] are all here & all flourishing

Kind wishes to everyone

Yours ever


Last edit almost 2 years ago by Khufu
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