



Status: Complete

prevented my writing at the
time, and again at Christmas
I was robbed of an opportunity;
However, I must send some
word without further delay if it is only a line to thank
you for what you did to help to
make my summer at Kingsmere
the pleasant and memorable one
it was. Evening after evening,
during August and early September,
I read from the pages of your
splendid biography, finding in
them what I most wanted to
make of my moors, and woods,
and mountains and lake, a
bit of the Scotland of 100 years
ago, and of myself, something
a little more akin to the man

who lived among them, and of
whom you have given to the
world so perfect a portrait.
Someday, when we meet again,
I must not forget to tell you
of a quite amazing experience
I had, as a result in part of
the summer's reading. It was
not quite the same as Skene's,
but, I think, even more remark-
able. I wish you could
come and spend a few days
with me where you spent but
a few hours some years ago.
Since that time, I have acquired
much of the woods and moors;
about 400 acres in all, at
Kingsmere, and have some

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