



Status: Complete

Your books, at least the best
ones of which there are
plenty, always make me
feel a second-rate, lucky little
person, which it is good to
feel pretty often, for it is at
least half and perhaps ¾
of the truth; the remaining ¼
I reserve to feed the peacock that lurks in the heart of each
of us. I've so far finished the
war and am in the middle
of the arctic adventure.
I foresee I shall read it
all with great pleasure.

I hope Cromwell is
marching indefatigably on.
I look forward greatly to
your visit here in autumn
and I sincerely hope
(as you have as good as promised)
also a visit at Hallington too,
with at least one of your
family. I shall publish the last
of Anne in May, I hope.

I'm glad for both govt. & country that
this partial revival in trade & better news
from India takes off the edge of the conference
and the débacle.

No answer.


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