




St. Stephen's House, London, S.W.1.

29th November, 1933

My own little darling

I am so sorry, but this letter won't get to you tonight , as I have only just got back from Cambridge.

I got your letter at the Club this morning. I am terribly sorry about Shaun Waide; but you can lose your spleen and live. I am glad John has met the Whitakers. I am having tea with Tin tonight and will find out what Alice's plans are.

The Cambridge meeting was as usual a congestion. Field Marshal Sir William Birdwood did me the honour to attend, and I was very glad to see him. George had an interesting little dinner party in the evening, which included the Ernest Barkers. Nothing could have been more kind than George and Jan. [ST: Mrs Trevelyn]. Their house is really very comfortable.

I am lunching with Hermione, and dining to meet Count Bethlen, the Hungarian Premier.

It is cold and bright today, a pleasant change. I do hope you are not too lonely. I will be back by the first train on Friday morning. I hope you will have a good day at Eton tomorrow. Give my warmest love to the lads.

Much love.

from John

P.S. I enclose an invitation to dine from Lady Robertson, which perhaps you had better decline yourself. Friday, of course, is impossible for us.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Stephen
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