




St. Stephen's House, London, S.W.1.

6th July, 1933

My own darling

There was no letter from you this morning, but I presume you were at Eton until late yesterday.

I had a busy day. I lunched with Peter Davies and his partner; had some Australians to tea; and then saw a lot of people about the Bird Protection Bill. I dined at Herbert Samuel's most interesting dinner, with Walter Lippman, the American, Bob Cecil, and one or two of the delegates. We were kept in the House until after midnight.

Today I am lunching with Tubby Clayton at Toc H., and dining with Winston and Smuts, and have a good many other engagements in between.

Remind Webb I will be back at 3.7 tomorrow afternoon, where I hope to have a quiet weekend. I shall not go up until 4.30 on Tuesday. Remember you are receiving with me for the Canadian luncheon on Tuesday at Rhodes House.

I hope everything goes well with you. I read with great interest your South Wales article in "The Times" today. "The Literary Supplement" seems to be puzzled by my new novel. [A Prince of the Captivity]

Much love.

from John

I have asked for the 19th - S.B., David [Margesson], Noel, Jock Macewen, & Alan Lennox-Boyd. Is there anybody else?

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Stephen
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