




St. Stephen's House, London, S.W.1.

27th March, 1934.

My own darling

I hope you got home safely last night, and that Alice has started in good spirits today. It is quite pleasant weather and I enjoyed having a more leisurely breakfast at the Club than at Downing Street.

Last night we Scottish Members presented Walter [Elliot] and K. with a wedding present, and Bertie [ST: (Sir Robert)] Horne made one of the wittiest speeches I have ever heard. It was altogether a very amusing occasion. I dined at the Club, and there was a very dull debate in the House.

Today I am lunching with the A.P.A. at Claridges to meet some Germans and have a lot of interviews after that. I hear that the P.M. is sleeping very well at Hampstead and getting a good rest.

Still no word from Douglo. I have written today to his mother.

I seem to have no news.

Much love.

from John

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Stephen
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