





St. Stephen's House, London, S.W.1.

13th February, 1934.

My own darling,

I have just come back from lunching with Circe. The idea apparently is to get John Davidson out of the Chancellorship of the Duchy and put me in. I don't think that possible, for Baldwin would certainly resign, in spite of his friendship for me. The only other alternative would be to create an extra Minister without portfolio. The P.M. is a queer bird. He rang up Circe last night and was apparently aggrieved because when I talked to him yesterday I only talked about the High Commissionership. But I was only given two minutes by his private secretary! However, I shall have a long talk with him tomorrow night.

The latest rumour is that France is going to offer her throne to the King of the Belgians. I have a lot of other gossip which must wait until I see you.

Frankly, I don't believe anything will come of this scheme of the P.M' s, for it is too difficult. Apparently Hailsham is very keen about it.

Much love from


Last edit almost 2 years ago by Stephen
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