




St. Stephen's House, London, S.W.1.

14th February, 1934.

My own darling

I am rather anxious about the fog today, and hope it won't hang you up. You would get my letter written last night about Circe's luncheon.

We had a most interesting Group dinner last night, and Anthony Eden, who has come on enormously, expounded to us the inner secrets of foreign affairs. He and Bobbity Cranbourne go off on Friday to see Hitler.

I have a long day of appointments and the dinner at Londonderry House in the evening. There is to be some s ort of Gaelic concert at nine o'clock, and then the P.M. and I are going to retire to an inner chamber. As I told you yesterday, I don't believe anything can be done; but nous verrons.

You must have had a most intricate time at Tackley.

I will write to you tomorrow morning.

Much love. from John

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Khufu
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