




E. Pound Rapallo

Via Marsala 12-5

My Dear John Buchan

Going on from where I left off // in view of recent event // The King is supposed to keep out of politics, but nothing forbids him to express scientific curiosity about economics, I doubt if anything forbids him to concern himself with the subject in any way he chooses. And I imagine he is as fed up with the old lies and bunkumb as you are, and as ready to start at least from the negative position that the old stuff is rubbish.

The devilment of newspapers is mostly in their power to conceal or to snow under. For example I get the real gist of the Papal Enclinical on the "Social Order" via a quotation in an American paper.

I don't think his Majesty shd. do less. Certainly the Prince of Wales was sincerely concerned for the misery of working people in the North.

If I am b/y furriner, at least I lived 12 years in Eng/ and married there, and am racially akin. WHEREAS the filthy London School of pseudoconomy is mainly middle/europa yidtisch. (Not that that proves anything and jewish destructivity may be left out of the discussion or lumped into the general abstract of destructivity at large.

Still it seems to me that H.M. could either suggest vigorously that the subject be openly studied and reported on, or he cd. endow a chair for this study with provision for publication or reports, FREE from

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Khufu


E. Pound Rapallo

Via Marsala 12-5

the interjected fingers of people like Deterding, Zakarof, (Mighty Norman, & 90% his comisdirectors).

I can't think Englishmen are any more comfortable at the sight of some of their "grrreat men" than we americans were when the shit of Hoover, Coolidge, Harding etc. was plastered up on the American ensign

I also think that suspicion of eccentricity is being detached rapidly form my own views. Senator Cutting is now openly Douglasite. I have an an answer form our Treasury Dept. to letter I sent Morgenthau, stating that all questions I had raised were receivin' thoughful considseration from the administration. ^Answer cd not have been do to the polite phraseology of my letter. Woodward, who is on the council of I5 for final passing on codes, writes me that these ideas have been heard of. His last note thumping for Douglas' essentials.

The Italian govt. is certainly interested in econ/ and the last measures have the temporary effect of a dividend, though they are possible only in a corporate state, and cd.n't be applied in Ital/ form in Eng/ unless Eng/ first went fascist, which I don't think any man of judgement consideres at all necessary or desirable.

(Perfect and complete idiocy to suppose that parliamentary institutions 1000 years old in Eng. can be treated as the fad of parliamentarism brought in ad hoc a few decades ago by Vitt. EM. for immediate purpose of

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Stephen


E. Pound Rapallo

Via Marsala 12-5

spreading his umbrella over an United Italy. (extention to Naples a fluke, against everyone's judgment, but political necessity when it was done.) ^A duce in Eng. wd. certainly have taken a very different route.

In the preset football match between the Xtn/ churches I don't see why the KiRRK shd. hobble in too far behind the Old Whore of Babylon. If you haven't the eclynical I'll copy the paragraph mentioned.


BUT in nanny case, and whatever you think of details of Doug/ the FACTS of the Woergl experiment are KNOWN. Immediate application of stamp scrip to the dole, wd. mean immediate relief of infinite misery, and I can NOT think any man innocent or excusable, who refuses to look at those facts. Any more than I cd. acquit a physician for neglect of knowlege of known specifics and neglect to use 'em.

I know the english press is too vile to disseminate knowledge, The French "Illustration" carried an account of Woergl last Sept. (9th. sept). I've one remaining copy of a reprint, but I imagine the H. of C. library has the Illustration on file.

Will gladly lend you my clipping if not.

Re/ B.U.F. my letters in Morning Post stirred up some correspondence which has declined rapidly on my asking for bona fides. Can you give me any side lights on "Who's Who" in that camp.

There may be some "good guys", but I have as yet no proof that the Duce's will toward the public good has any British parallel in black shirtism.

^met Delcroix in Rome recently. Very interesting & very untranslatable.

yrs Ezra Pound

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Stephen
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