



Status: Complete


E. Pound Rapallo
Via Marsala 12-5

It is science's job to accept facts
and to set them in order/

Myopic idiocy to think one can stick the corpse under
a sofa and that it will stay there for years without
affecting the atmosphere.

It is the IGNORANCE (the often voluntary, motivated by mere personaaly
conceit) of economics that I attack.

I find it difficult to believe that some ignorani are honest.

I am wating for an editor who will state

"Every man in high office in England is a thieves' accomplice,
and most of 'em too ignorant to know what I mean
by this statement."

"Fortune" devoted its elephantine July issue to Italy/admitting
a good deal/ but concealing a mass of asssets/

The tirade balance of superstition in England and France/ is largely
a wheeze for which private companies wd/ be prosecuted and individuals
jailed/ (concealment of assets).

I hope you like the preface of Make it New (the general thesis is given
in Routledge" ABC of Reading", which is the real preface to the
literary section of the Faber Vol/

The last pages of M.I.N. may reconcile you to others that you
in all probability will NOT like.

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