




[Nov. 1934?]

St. Stephen's House, London, S.W.1.

My own darling

I had a very busy and congested day yesterday, but got through a considerable amount of correspondence. There was a dull debate in the evening on the new unemployment allowances, which Oliver Stanley handled well. I dined at the house with Leo and Florence and Enid Jones [ST: Lady Jones the writer Enid Bagnold], who looks blooming after her operation. Princess Marthe Bibesco was coming, but she damaged her leg, and I refused an invitation to go round and see her at the Ritz afterwards. I went early to bed.

This morning I walked in the park with Ramsay - very beautiful in the half-dusk. I breakfasted with him and then had an hour's talk. His mental fatigue has certainly not improved in my absence. I have got two difficult memoranda to draft for him this week, beside my other work. Parliament rises on Friday, and there is going to be an amusing debate that day with Lloyd George speaking, but I mean to come back on Thursday evening by the 6.5. Remind Webb.

The India debate seems to have gone off very well and in good temper on both sides.

Jack Gilmour thanked me warmly for our kindness to his boy on the ship. The story of the storm through which the Berengaria passed, seems to have gone abroad. Teeny Cazalet said he expected to see me on crutches!

Much love

from John


Last edit almost 2 years ago by Stephen


P.S. Christopher Gordon has just rung up to say that he has got a job in the Palestine administration. He is in great spirits.


Last edit almost 2 years ago by Stephen
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