




St. Stephen's House, London, S. W. 1.

19th December, 1934·

My own little darling

I have just got your letter. I am a little vague about your plans tomorrow. I think I could manage to drive down with you tomorrow afternoon, for I have very little luggage. Could you call for me at St. Stephen's Club any time after 2.30? If this is to spoil your plans you could ring me up when you arrive in the morning. I do not know where you are tonight, so I am sending a copy of this to Grosvenor Street.

I had a busy day yesterday, and a dull debate in the evening. Today I must try and get some Christmas presents. I had my last walk with Ramsay this morning, who is off tomorrow evening for Lossiemouth in very fair health. I hope to finish my memoranda for him today.

At last I have got on the track of Harold Cheevers. Hugh Walpole was diagnosed as having cardiac arthritis, and was operated on last Monday. The doctors fear that he will never be able to use his right hand again, which is rather a tragedy for a writer. I am going to try and see the old fellow sometime tomorrow morning.

I am very well. Much love. from John

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Khufu
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