



Status: Complete

Konrad Heiden's devastating study of Hitler. However,
while it entirely explains my cousin Hugo's
migration and other more terrible & important
events, it leaves "den böhmischen Gefreiten" (as
old H. called him before capitulating) firmly in the
seat of the mighty & I suppose the ever-bullied
man of that strange folk are quite content.

One result of Nazi régime has been to
interest me in Karl Barth, more especially
as you mentioned his name when you
were [here] as the only theologian in whom you
were any longer interested. I read the
"Credo" in snippets but hope when I am
more familiar with the words used and
the contents of each chapter to read it
right off with understanding. There is no
doubt it is hard stuff to an amateur,
but in the main it all seems to be a tremendously
clear vigorous statement & defence of
pretty much what my mother used to believe

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(The English translation came after the war.)


'Old H.': it was Hindenburg who called Hitler 'that Bohemian corporal'.