



Status: Complete

you and Mrs Buchan are going away. It
is a grim and unhallowed prospect - for
Oxfordshire without Elsfield will be an egg
without its yolk - 'Eheu, miserande Oxon.'
We shall all miss you both very very much -
and Islip, at any rate, is going into mourning
until you return.

Yours very sincerely

Hugh Chesterman.

I should like to add this quatrain to some verses
of mine on 'Television' in last week's 'Punch'

And shall I see (reflected from afar)

A kindly Potentate at Ottawa

Still finding time to send to atrabilious

And vexed Islippians lines from P. Vergilius?

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Hugh Chesterman was a prolific writer and illustrator ( including of Susan Buchan's 'The Freedom of the Garden' 1932.)