





April 3rd 35

Dear Mrs Buchan,

This is such spendid news, and so absolutely right. It was a brilliant idea on the Government's part, - one of the best things they have done. Canada is very much to be congratulated. I am delighted.

I say I am delighted and then I reflect how you will be absent from Elsfield the next four or five years, which makes me sad. But I hope you will be coming home to us again at intervals and for a holiday.

Meanwhile I'll keep my eye on Billy for you, and ask him along to dine to see that he's doing a spot of work from time to time. How amusing and lively he is!

Please don't write in answer to this, for I can imagine what loads of letters have descended upon you. For there aren't two people in the country who have more well- wishers, and of all parties and

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Stephen


opinions, than you and your husband. Nor has there been an appointment of such importance for a long time which has given more pleasure to everybody.

Yours ever,

A.L. Rowse

P.S. I am a little bit jealous because I had always entertained a faint hope that it might be a Labour Government which would have the sense to do something so right as this! However it is better coming as it does and now.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Khufu
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