




Telegrams: "Curriculum, Kincross, London"

Telephone: Museum {1570, 1571, 3628, 3629.

National Union of Teachers. The Legal Assistance Fund. The subtentation Fund. The Examinsions Board. The Benevolent & Orphan Fund. The Teachers' Provident Society.

Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London, W.C.1.

General Secretary: F. Mander, B.Sc.

Organ of the Union: "The Schoolmaster and Woman Teacher's Chronicle".

Please Quote N9

12th April, 1935.

Dear Colonel Buchan,

At a meeting of my Executive held on Saturday last the news of your appointment by His Majesty the King as Governor-General of Canada was received with intense pleasure. The President of the Union voiced a short, but nevertheless very sincere, tribute to your work in many fields, and more particularly of late as Chairman of the School Age Council. He moved from the chair that the heartiest congratulations of the Executive be accorded to you, together vvith their sincere good wishes for a long and happy tenure of office. This motion vms carried with acclamation, and it gives me the greatest possible pleasure to convey to you on behalf of the National Union of Teachers an expression of congratulation and good wishes.

May I also take this opportunity to express to you my om personal felicitations. That your new work will be colourful and interesting I am sure, and I hope it will also be very happy.

Yours sincerely,

F. Mander General Secretary.

Col. John Buchan, C.H., M.P., St . Stephen's House, LONDON, S.W.1.

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