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Chez Mrs Wharton

Sainte-Claire Le Chateau
Hyeres (Var)
Tel: 2-29

April 1. 35

My dear John Tweedsmuir (see how well informed
I am.) You will have such tons of
letters of congratulations, but I feel I must
add to the pile. I was so delighted to hear
of your appointment. There is an added spice of
enjoyment in the fact that my spies tell me
Canada specially asked for you.

I am having a lovely time with Edith Wharton
her home is so clever, she bought a whole
hill with old Castle of Hyeres on top. 1/2
way up she has built a nice comfy house
with rough garden sprawling up to the summit,
wonderful patches of flowers
done in such colour schemes, you realize
the garden isn't rough at all.

We have let Torosay to Mrs Gemmell
your friend's sister, I'm glad to say,
she is so good to my people!
& kind to my empty purse!!

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