





17th May 1935

Dear John Buchan,

I meant to add my Congratulations From a Backwater to those of the rest of the world when I first heard of your new advancement; but at the moment I was on a sandbank in the Gulf of Corinth, and the emotions of the hour and the absence of postal despatches led me to procrastinate. It is only now in the tranquility of my wooded hill-top that I realise I have been too long in saying what I meant to say; and that now is the moment if I am not to be too late.

Especially as it is pretty clear that I should presently have to address you by an unfamiliar name; and I want to use the friendly accustomed one once more.

I feel that all men of our

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Stephen


craft of the pen will hold, as I do, that in your new and great appointment Letters are honoured as well as Statecraft; and we have our pride in that, and congratulate the State as well as you.

The news delighted me, and I must needs trouble you, when already you have more letters than you can deal with, to offer you and Mrs Buchan my felicitations and my wife's. I realise you go far beyond the orbit of the rustic bard, and that we are not likely to meet beside the magic waters of the young Tweed again; but I should like you to remember that I am remembering you, and applauding as you go from strength to strength - and that I trust your pen will still find ways of serving Scotland while you are serving the Empire too: for then I shall still be reading you.

Yours most truly

Gordon Bottomley.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Stephen
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