




St. Stephen's House, London, S. W. 1.

2nd July, 1925.

My own little darling,

The Dominion dinner last night was quite pleasant. I sat next to Herbert Bruce, theLieut.-Governor of Ontario, who said he had met you at the Dominion party. I hope that wasn't too much of a bore. Jim Thomas made the usual pot-house speech, and, indeed, the whole speaking was rather bad. But I met some very nice Canadians.

I saw William before I left, and we lunched together. He looked sunburnt and well, but not in very good spirits about his exams. I am glad that he took Mrs. Charlett over to tea with Alice.

I have a Reuter meeting this afternoon, and I hope to dine with The Club - almost the last time! I am also getting my uniform tried on.

I hope you will have a pleasant evening with Mrs. Woolf. Much love.



Last edit almost 2 years ago by Stephen
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