



Status: Complete


way of recognition will be given to worth and
character, and less to place, position, power
and privilege. It will help, I believe, the
acceptance of the view that the House of Lords
itself must become more and more a body recruited
from outside its privileged membership, and, less
and less a body the members of which enjoy, by
birth and inheritance, political and social rights
and powers beyond the reach of others.

The warm, hearty, and I might add,
virtually universal commendation which marked in
Canada, in your case, the King's choice of a
commoner for the position of Governor General,
will not be without its effect on the views and
feelings of the present, or any succeeding,
sovereign, as to the acceptability of a commoner
as His Majesty's representative. It will serve,
as wel1, to avoid embarrassments on the part of a
future Ministry in expressing a preference to
His Majesty for having, as his representative, one
who, at the time of his appointment, or during the
tenure of his office, will not be of the peerage;
and embarrassment, as well, to any commoner who may
be chosen to that high office from having his own
preference and wishes met.

I am sure you feel as I do about the social
revolution, through which, at the present time,
namely of the countries of the world are passing,
namely, that, at bottom, it is feudalism in its
surviving or newly formed manifestations,

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